
Why Winterize your Sprinklers in Lincoln, NE?

When you winterize your sprinkler system's pipes, you'll protect the PVC piping from expanding and cracking. You'll prevent water from freezing and damaging the internal components of your system.

You don't have to winterize your system on your own. You'll get knowledgeable service for your system from our professionals to ensure the safety of your system.
Sprinkler  Services

How Does Winterization Work?

  • Manual drain method - shut off the water supply and open manual drain valves, empty remaining water from backflow, piping, and sprinklers
  • Automatic drain method - shut off the water supply and activate a station to relieve water pressure, drain additional water from boiler drain valve / drain cap, test cocks, and sprinklers
  • Blow out method - attach an air compressor to the mainline, blow air into pipes to remove any leftover water
Call today for all of your irrigation needs.

You'll get your sprinkler system winterized when you come to Dahlheim Irrigation. Your pipes will be taken care of for the entire winter so you have no problems come spring.
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